Worthington City Schools
Tip received 4/12/24:
CLEVER social emotional learning:
Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) – ODE Sex Ed Audit 2022-23Worthington City Schools: “Comprehensive Health - Goodheart-Wilcox 2018.” This text aligns with the National Sexuality Education Standards, which are not abstinence-based.
Tip received 5-20-23:
English assignment
Tip received 9/8/2022:
Worthington school district uses Syntero to teach 8th grade and high school students in Health class. You can verify this at the school district website: "Academics" tab at the top; Graded Courses of Study" on the left. Select Health K-12. Scroll to 8th grade and high school. 8th grade: Two Units use "Syntero-Healthy Body & Healthy Futures," the "Healthy Relationships" unit and the "Human Growth and Development" unit. High School: Syntero is listed as a resource for the "Sexuality and Reproductive Health Unit. I received an email from a school rep in answer to my question about whether they use Syntero. She initially said they did not use Syntero, then she wrote in an email that they do use them for high school. She did not say they use Syntero for any other grade, but the school website does, as explained above. I have attached the letter(BELOW) to parents that was supplied by the same school rep mentioned above.
Parent/s, Guardians of Health Class Students,This letter is to inform you of our upcoming curriculum this week from Syntero. The guest speakers from Syntero, generously released youtube videos of their presentation, "Healthy Bodies, Healthy Futures" for our students to use in the spring of 2020 in response to the necessity of remote learning. Worthington has used Syntero to present "Sex Ed" curriculum for over 8 years now as they have the ability to engage the students in a way that is much more comfortable and appealing than the teacher they see on a regular basis. Syntero's objective is to present students with the facts without judgment. They explain this very thoroughly in their first presentation:● Introduction to HBHF program https://youtu.be/J_adnAP1gZA (7:04) Parents/Guardians, we encourage you to view this introductory presentation. In this video, Syntero will explain the principles behind the additional 4 videos the students will see:● Sexuality and Human Anatomy● Equal Relationships ● STI's and Risk Reduction Planning● Contraceptives/Birth Control This will give you an opportunity to open up discussions to include your family's own values and beliefs. It will also answer many of the questions you might have had otherwise. This may also be a good time to remind them that although the videos may be uncomfortable to watch (and with the exception of the above intro video, we don't recommend watching the videos with them), a mature attitude can allow the students to really get a lot out of these presentations. Yearly anonymous feedback from students ALWAYS reflect that this is one of the top 3 valuable things they learned in Health. IMPORTANT: In closing, it will be important to know if a student is going to be triggered by these videos. Please email your teacher and let me know so the teacher can exempt the student from watching. Please also know that you can reach out to your teacher for resources to help with these triggers. Resources are also found at the back of their hard copy packet. Throughout the videos, the presenter is frequently reminding students where to have questions answered within a 24 hour time period from a Syntero staff member. hbhf@syntero.org The students will utilize the hard copies they were given at the beginning of the year to complete the assignments for each of the units listed above. The overview will be found on their daily agenda and additional details for their daily assignments will be found on their Schoology page. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely,
Worthington Schools
Worthington Schools
Critical Race Theory is in Worthington City Schools.
Download the Worthington City Schools Diversity & Inclusion Misson and Goals. LINK
Social Emotional Learning is being taught in Worthington City Schools.
Aric Thomas, Principal - Worthington Kilbourne High School