Westerville City Schools
Tip received: January 10, 2025 PowerSchool data breach included central Ohio schools’ student datahttps://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/columbus/powerschool-data-breach-included-central-ohio-schools-student-data/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR00-SBHXSYkOLrEiXiIDaLrYMpiawaI_dGWRo21NbqR9aW1mM5IXi6GA2w_aem_8W0PFSHbfneu5M-HJYOWjQ
Tip received 3/5/24: Supt resigns
Tip received 2-1-23:
Tip received 11/3/22;
Equity department link rife with links to equity missions, programs, dei etc.
Tip received 10-28-22:
Attachment A is part of an email sent to Westerville City Schools Staff indicating that tax payer dollars will be used to pay for equity training outside of contracted hours. Now the best part. As parent throughout Ohio adopt your opt-out form. Westerville City School Board has declared war (proverbially). “Parents do not have a right to make a blanket opt out of our district's curriculum. However, the law does provide parents the right to opt-out of a limited number of identified subjects,”-School Board Policy po5780 Approved Oct. 24, 2022 Yea: Nancy Nestor-Baker, Tracy Davidson, Vaughn Bell, Jennifer Aultman Four Westerville City School Board members asserted that parents lack rights in directing the education of their children outside of the discretion of the state. Westerville school board members have a fundamental misunderstanding of government and it’s role in reinforcing natural God given rights. Specifically, Westerville City School Board members feel that their authority supersedes the fourteenth amendment.“More recently, this Court declared in Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 702 (1997), that the Constitution, and specifically the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, protects the fundamental right of parents to direct the care, upbringing, and education of their children.” - https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/20/20-618/162853/20201207145434898_20-616%20Amicus%20Brief%20The%20Justice%20Foundation%20cert%20stage.pdf Westerville City Schools doesn’t understand that parents have the right to opt out of ALL curriculum offered at the school and enroll children in home schooling or any other institution outside of the direction of the board of education. Taken to it’s logical conclusion, Westerville City Schools may file lawsuit to force all children residing in the district to be enrolled in their buildings. Westerville City School’s Board of Education adopted a policy that puts the board in legal peril and must immediately rescind the recently approved language.
TIP Received 9/18/2022:
Westerville is promoting “Transformative” SEL in action ( although it’s not called that here):
TIP Received 9/18/2022:
Subject: Westerville again for heat map
Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) is in Westerville City Schools
The most obscene materials have been found through the "Healthy Bodies/Healthy Futures" program being delivered in Central Ohio by a third-party contractor Syntero.
Watch the video on the Protect Ohio Children YouTube channel. WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT https://youtu.be/vuXhYrDEBRA
Go to the Protect Ohio Children YouTube channel to watch the video. https://youtu.be/vuXhYrDEBRA

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Watch the video of Kristen Tores Pierce, a social worker with Syntero talk about the Healthy Bodies / Healthy Futures Syntero program in Southwestern, Grandview City, Hilliard, Columbus, Westerville, and Dublin school districts.
Critical Race Theory is being taught in the school district:
A tip came in:
New high school courses focus on African American, Race and Equity studies8/28/2020
New high school courses focus on African American, Race and Equity studies - Huber Ridge Elementary LINK
This year, Westerville’s high schools launched new courses that approach topics such as Black history and culture and social justice in a way that has never been done before in the district.
At Westerville Central and Westerville South high schools, the new “Race and Equity Studies: The Quest for Justice in the US” class provides students with opportunities to learn about and address various racial, ethnic, and other types of diversity, as well as explore shared identities.
Kyle King (teacher at Westerville Central High School) has touched on issues of social justice in his history courses for more than 20 years. By exposing students to the voices of people who were directly affected by oppressive systems, they have gained greater awareness, empathy, and understanding.
With the new Race and Equity Studies class at WCHS, he can further explore the systematic nature of oppression and the historical development of these systems including racism, sexism, classism, ableism, ageism, heteronormativity, anti-semitism, and islamophobia. He hopes to activate students’ “critical consciousness” so that they will be able to identify issues of oppression and privilege in their lives and the lives of others.
They were especially aware that those teaching the classes are white, so it was critical to get feedback from parents and students from across the community to ensure all voices were represented and heard.
New high school courses focus on African American, Race and Equity studies - Huber Ridge Elementary LINK
This year, Westerville’s high schools launched new courses that approach topics such as Black history and culture and social justice in a way that has never been done before in the district.
At Westerville Central and Westerville South high schools, the new “Race and Equity Studies: The Quest for Justice in the US” class provides students with opportunities to learn about and address various racial, ethnic, and other types of diversity, as well as explore shared identities.
Kyle King (teacher at Westerville Central High School) has touched on issues of social justice in his history courses for more than 20 years. By exposing students to the voices of people who were directly affected by oppressive systems, they have gained greater awareness, empathy, and understanding.
With the new Race and Equity Studies class at WCHS, he can further explore the systematic nature of oppression and the historical development of these systems including racism, sexism, classism, ableism, ageism, heteronormativity, anti-semitism, and islamophobia. He hopes to activate students’ “critical consciousness” so that they will be able to identify issues of oppression and privilege in their lives and the lives of others.
They were especially aware that those teaching the classes are white, so it was critical to get feedback from parents and students from across the community to ensure all voices were represented and heard.