Toledo City Schools
Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) – ODE Sex Ed Audit 2022-23
Toledo City—Not compliant. Uses a CSE curriculum. “We partner with the YWCA to provide the Draw the Line/Respect the Line (grades 6-8) and Reducing the Risk curriculum (secondary Health). Both programs are ETR products. The district also adopted Glencoe Health and Glencoe Human Sexuality, a comprehensive health education curriculum, which will be implemented at the start of the 2022-23 school year.”
Toledo City—Not compliant. Uses a CSE curriculum. “We partner with the YWCA to provide the Draw the Line/Respect the Line (grades 6-8) and Reducing the Risk curriculum (secondary Health). Both programs are ETR products. The district also adopted Glencoe Health and Glencoe Human Sexuality, a comprehensive health education curriculum, which will be implemented at the start of the 2022-23 school year.”
TIP Received 2-3-23 Undercover report:
Social Emotional Learning is being taught in Toledo City Schools.
In Vinton County Schools teachers were trained over the summer on SEL. Fifth graders schedule includes SEL taught daily for 20 minutes following language arts class.
A Toledo Public Schools board member made remarks in committee saying she will order books from the Rainbow Library for the district.