Oberlin City Schools
Tip received 7-14-23
Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) – ODE Sex Ed Audit 2022-23
Oberlin City Schools – Uses Glencoe text. May be compliant but it’s unclear. The Glencoe/McGraw Hill online textbook Glencoe Health. Here is the table of contents: https://s3.amazonaws.com/ecommerce-prod.mheducation.com/unitas/school/explore/sites/glencoe-health/glencoe-health-2022-toc.pdf
Oberlin City Schools – Uses Glencoe text. May be compliant but it’s unclear. The Glencoe/McGraw Hill online textbook Glencoe Health. Here is the table of contents: https://s3.amazonaws.com/ecommerce-prod.mheducation.com/unitas/school/explore/sites/glencoe-health/glencoe-health-2022-toc.pdf