Napoleon Area City Schools
Tip received 7-14-23
Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) – ODE Sex Ed Audit 2022-23
Napoleon Area City – Incomplete this year but plans compliance: “Project Respect has been used before Covid. The district is planning on using the organization for the 22-23 school year. This is an abstinence-based program. Our school resource officer discusses the legal ramifications of classes. We offer a school-wide program with our local police department and prosecutor to discuss the criminal aspects of having sexual contact with someone under the age of sixteen. HS text: Health A Guide to Wellness, 2001JH text: Glencoe Teen Health: Course 2, 2009”
Napoleon Area City – Incomplete this year but plans compliance: “Project Respect has been used before Covid. The district is planning on using the organization for the 22-23 school year. This is an abstinence-based program. Our school resource officer discusses the legal ramifications of classes. We offer a school-wide program with our local police department and prosecutor to discuss the criminal aspects of having sexual contact with someone under the age of sixteen. HS text: Health A Guide to Wellness, 2001JH text: Glencoe Teen Health: Course 2, 2009”