Mayfield City Schools
Tip received 6-1-23:
I read that Mr. Legan is the new Director of Educational Services. In his role Mr. Leegan will establish systematic and continuous improvement frameworks in grades K-12 with positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS), Multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), social emotional learning for all students.
Tip received 5-18-23:
My children were pulled out of the public school system here in Mayfield but ai still have concerns as I live a block from the school. My daughter works with another student from Mayfield High School who said that this past week there was a 200+ walkout of students protesting because there wasn’t enough black teachers hired. What in the world?! The student that told my daughter said that she did not join even though a friend of hers was trying to get her to join the protest because she said “my education is too important to me”. This young girl is from Santa Domingo and gets how important education is because she said “my mother would be upset”.This seems like a CRT movement.
Protect Ohio ChildrenAcademic Accountability Project June 2022
We are putting Mayfield City Schools on WATCH due to a lack of transparency.
This tip came in from a concerned parent.
"I am from Mayfield City School District and the Board of Education and Superintendent have not allowed parents to speak at board meetings since last February! Because of the pandemic the meetings went remote last March and they “temporarily” suspended public comments, but now over ONE YEAR (15 months!) later they are still not allowing it. Many parents are aggravated and have asked them to reopen but they have continuously hid behind House Bill 404 which allows remote meetings, but it doesn’t mention anything about suspension of public comments. Considering the current climate of our country and pandemic, it is vital that parents have the opportunity to speak out and let our voices be heard. All our surrounding districts and city councils read emails sent in and out them on public record even if they are remote still. I and other parents have reached out several times and almost never get a response back from the board without another follow up email.
Last week we found out that an 8th grade middle school teacher has been accused of inappropriate relationships with students and paying them for pictures. They are allowing this teacher to resign even though he’s been arrested!"
Last week we found out that an 8th grade middle school teacher has been accused of inappropriate relationships with students and paying them for pictures. They are allowing this teacher to resign even though he’s been arrested!"