Marion City Schools
Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) in Marion SchoolsFrom the Ohio Department of Education Sex Education Audit: Partner with Marion Adolescence Pregnancy Program - Not compliant. This is a group advocating teen condom use.
TIP received 10-1-24:
TIPS Received 2/25/23:
Tip received 2-25-23: 6th graders given in inappropriate survey that was only approved for 7th grade and up, and without parent consent or knowledge and school refers to it as a "misstep " 🙄 There is little chance this was by accident😡
Tip received 2-17-23. This is the survey given before parents provided opt out:
Tip received 2-10-23:
12-12- 22 Marion City Schools has updated their pronouns.

Video can’t be displayed
This video is not available.
Tip received 1-5-23. Survey sent to 12 year olds regarding sexuality and drug use
SEL in Marion City Schools:
TIP RECEIVED 12-15-22:
TIP RECEIVED 10-24-2022:
From: XXXXXXXXDate: Mon, Oct 24, 2022 7:20 pmTo: tips@protectohiochildren.netSubject: Marion Ohio 3Rs curriculumI requested records from Marion Adolescent Pregnancy Program about them teaching the curriculum 3Rs. They have denied using that curriculum say they are using a different curriculum even though their website says they replaced that curriculum with this one. What can be done?
TIP RECEIVED 10-17-22:
Marion City Schools “DEI” statement:
A video produced by one of their DEI staff— ( the other one left and is now at Dublin)“Dreaming of a Radical Classroom”
Critical Race Theory is in Marion City Schools.
Source: LINK
"...Iarussi said he walked away from the meeting feeling reenergized about providing a more inclusive environment for students, which the district had pledged to do after passing a social justice resolution last summer. "After that resolution, we had planned to get some folks together to put an equity plan together,"
Source: LINK
"...Iarussi said he walked away from the meeting feeling reenergized about providing a more inclusive environment for students, which the district had pledged to do after passing a social justice resolution last summer. "After that resolution, we had planned to get some folks together to put an equity plan together,"
Social Emotional Learning is in Marion City Schools
"Marion has SEL. My granddaughter attends McKinley elementary. We discuss it every week. It needs to go."