Grandview City Schools
Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) is in Grandview City Schools
The most obscene materials have been found through the "Healthy Bodies/Healthy Futures" program being delivered in Central Ohio by a third-party contractor Syntero.
Watch the video on the Protect Ohio Children YouTube channel. WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT
The most obscene materials have been found through the "Healthy Bodies/Healthy Futures" program being delivered in Central Ohio by a third-party contractor Syntero.
Watch the video on the Protect Ohio Children YouTube channel. WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT
Go to the Protect Ohio Children YouTube channel to watch the video.

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Watch the video of Kristen Tores Pierce, a social worker with Syntero talk about the Healthy Bodies / Healthy Futures Syntero program in Southwestern, Grandview City, Hilliard, Columbus, Westerville, and Dublin school districts.