Dublin City Schools
Tip received 3/24/24:Hello. We recently visited Hawthorne Academy for before and after school child care. This school provides care and education for kids from kindergarten through 5th grade.While visiting there, they have a big push in DEI. They also have a huge LGBT transgender style flag hanging in the wall in the toddler room where these kids learn. The flag is double the size of the USA flag in the classroom. The American flag is 2’x3’ posted in the corner of one wall. And on the other wall in the center of the wall is a transgender lgbt flag that is 4’x6’.I failed to get a picture of the flag. But they are very open about stating their inclusivity of all. Please keep my name anonymous as I do have friends that have children there.This is a daycare that is involved with the latchkey program that busses to and from Chapman elementary and kindergarten. Since Dublin doesn’t enforce full day kindergarten until August 2025, many schools are half day (2.5 hours), and children are forced to be in daycare facilities. Here is the website. It is the Columbus north location which services Dublin. People should be aware of this garbage. These flags should not be allowed in schools. They say they don’t teach it but this is indoctrinated children at very young ages to be accepting of this ideology. So in fact yes it is teaching. This is programmed learning and desensitization. LINK
Tip received 9-13-23:
MISSION AMERICA article on presentation below.
Tip received Sept 2023
TIP RECEIVED October 13, 2022:
From: XXXXXXXXXSubject: Q: What do you call ongoing mistakes in one particular direction?Date: October 13, 2022 at 3:30:14 PM EDTTo: XXXXX
Q: What do you call ongoing mistakes in one particular direction?A: Example #10, Dublin City Schools. THE ISSUE:
Q: What do you call ongoing mistakes in one particular direction?A: Example #10, Dublin City Schools. THE ISSUE:
“Gender Affirming Clothes Bucket”, sitting in Jerome High School’s teacher lounge, October 2022.The question.Good morning.I received this photo of a “gender affirming clothes bucket “ this morning from a couple of different people. I have been told that it is sitting in the teacher’s lounge at Jerome High School. Can you please tell me whether this is a legitimate photo, what the purpose of the box is, where the box is located, how it is used and who can access it?Thank you for your time.XXXXXXXXXX
The response.Ms. XXXXXXXX,
After consulting with the leadership team at Jerome High School, the clothing box was created by a student-led organization before Covid (2018-19). It has been kept in a counselor's office, but has never been accessed by students. When it came to the administration's attention, the box was moved to the Teacher's Lounge. Again, it was not available to students. It is now in an administrator's office; it is not available to students. The Dublin City School District is committed to active communication and partnership with our parents. We foster a culture of collaboration and expect consistent engagement with parents/guardians. Policy changes this year have solidified the Board's expectations for parent/guardian voice and involvement. We commit to partnerships with families, community, and educators to provide a personalized educational experience for each student in our district. Have a wonderful weekend!Best,JohnDublin City SchoolsJohn Marschhausen, Ph.D. Superintendent Dublin City School District 614 760-4472
The reply.
Good evening.Thank you for the quick and direct response, John. I am copying the board on my reply so that they are aware of a few of my concerns. I thought student organizations were supervised by a teacher? I would hope that whoever the supervisor was of whatever group this is has been spoken to about the box. I am sure the intentions were good, but - as you probably realize - the box seems to imply that the district not only gives students permission but encourages them to socially transition behind their parent's back. I think after last year’s DCS trainings and surveys- which appear to give teachers and students the idea that the district’s general policy is to NOT tell parents if their child decides to "come out” to a district teacher - likely confused many people.
It would probably be a good idea for the district to consider doing some professional development regarding: 1) how social transitioning is a serious psychological and medical approach that needs the input and cooperation of doctors, therapists and parents, 2) the fact that affirming children at school can lead to medicalizing their beliefs and put them at risk for further and ongoing mental distress, and 3) a correction of last September’s LGBTQA+ training which supported the “affirm or suicide” model regarding gender dysphoria. That claim is based on a small handful of deeply flawed studies that, at most, find loose correlations between “affirming” interventions and improved mental health. Some find no reduction of suicide at all, and a new study claims to find that puberty blockers actually increase the risk of suicide. If nothing else, it would be wise to let teachers know about all of the conflicting data out there and encourage them to stick to teaching academics instead of inquiring about their students' sexuality and gender.I would also suggest looking into hiring a new law firm for DCS. Per Scott Scriven’s 2021 LGBTQA+ Legal Update, 1) the district does not have to require a medical diagnosis in order to recognize a student’s preferred gender identity and 2) when parents disagree with school representatives regarding a student’s gender identity support plan, the district determines the final accommodations or support.
Such advice is not only irresponsible (ignoring that social transition is part of a medical protocol with medical implications) but also completely at odds with DCS's declarations regarding parental involvement in the district.Additionally, from my interactions with Erick Starkey over the last many months, it appears that your law firm is requiring legal review of all of my document requests. This is a curious practice since nearly everything I have asked for is public - such as teacher trainings. Seems like a waste of district funds - Just some ideas. Thank you for your time - XXXXXXXX
It would probably be a good idea for the district to consider doing some professional development regarding: 1) how social transitioning is a serious psychological and medical approach that needs the input and cooperation of doctors, therapists and parents, 2) the fact that affirming children at school can lead to medicalizing their beliefs and put them at risk for further and ongoing mental distress, and 3) a correction of last September’s LGBTQA+ training which supported the “affirm or suicide” model regarding gender dysphoria. That claim is based on a small handful of deeply flawed studies that, at most, find loose correlations between “affirming” interventions and improved mental health. Some find no reduction of suicide at all, and a new study claims to find that puberty blockers actually increase the risk of suicide. If nothing else, it would be wise to let teachers know about all of the conflicting data out there and encourage them to stick to teaching academics instead of inquiring about their students' sexuality and gender.I would also suggest looking into hiring a new law firm for DCS. Per Scott Scriven’s 2021 LGBTQA+ Legal Update, 1) the district does not have to require a medical diagnosis in order to recognize a student’s preferred gender identity and 2) when parents disagree with school representatives regarding a student’s gender identity support plan, the district determines the final accommodations or support.
Such advice is not only irresponsible (ignoring that social transition is part of a medical protocol with medical implications) but also completely at odds with DCS's declarations regarding parental involvement in the district.Additionally, from my interactions with Erick Starkey over the last many months, it appears that your law firm is requiring legal review of all of my document requests. This is a curious practice since nearly everything I have asked for is public - such as teacher trainings. Seems like a waste of district funds - Just some ideas. Thank you for your time - XXXXXXXX
Please see this being offered at Dublin City Schools. Go to https://www.dublinschools.net/Page/1606 > Student Resources > Clubs and Activities
LINK Prism ~ Samantha Kendle GSA clubs, or GSAs for short, are student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community and organize around issues impacting them in their schools and communities. GSAs have evolved beyond their traditional role to serve as safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth in middle schools and high schools, and have emerged as vehicles for deep social change related to racial, gender, and educational justice. We at Grizzell are committed to the principles of social justice and creating environments for ALL students to thrive through community advocacy.Schoology Group: 2021-2022 GSAa paragraph.

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NEW Dublin, Ohio teaching teens about gender and sexuality. See this LINK for their most recent newsletter
Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) is in Dublin City Schools
The most obscene materials have been found through the "Healthy Bodies/Healthy Futures" program being delivered in Central Ohio by a third-party contractor Syntero.
Watch the video on the Protect Ohio Children YouTube channel. WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT https://youtu.be/vuXhYrDEBRA
The most obscene materials have been found through the "Healthy Bodies/Healthy Futures" program being delivered in Central Ohio by a third-party contractor Syntero.
Watch the video on the Protect Ohio Children YouTube channel. WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT https://youtu.be/vuXhYrDEBRA
From anonymous tip:
These books and more are in the administrative office of Dublin Scioto HS. Don't think for a second that they are restricted to staff only. White fragility, illegal immigration, racism, alt-history, and more.
Go to the Protect Ohio Children YouTube channel to watch the video. https://youtu.be/vuXhYrDEBRA

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Watch the video of Kristen Tores Pierce, a social worker with Syntero talk about the Healthy Bodies / Healthy Futures Syntero program in Southwestern, Grandview City, Hilliard, Columbus, Westerville, and Dublin school districts.