Brunswick City Schools
This recording taken by an eighth-grade student at Brunswick Middle School, in which a mock lesbian wedding was acted out in the eighth grade Pride time on March 22, 2023. Pride time is done on Fridays and is used for the SEL lessons and teaching (SEL = Social Emotional Learning).During this Pride time event, the mother of an eighth grade female student who identifies as a lesbian, walked her daughter, whom I shall call "Bride 1", to be given away in marriage to Bride #2. In the video, Bride #1 is holding a bouquet and is wearing an all white outfit, reminiscent of a tennis outfit. Just prior to Bride #1 being "walked down the aisle," a male teacher is strewing rose petals along the path. The mother of Bride #1 is a school employee at the middle school. In addition to the male teacher, there were another three or four teachers in this classroom. There will be a school board meeting on Tuesday, April 18th, in the theater of the high school.

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Book Policy ManualSection REVISIONSTitle Copy of Vol. 40, No. 2 - January 2022 New STAFF DRESS AND GROOMINGCode po1616*Status Final Reading1616 - STAFF DRESS AND GROOMINGThe Board of Education believes that administrators set an example in dress and grooming for their students and other Districtemployees to follow. An administrator who understands this precept and adheres to it enlarges the importance of his/her task,presents an image of dignity, and encourages respect for authority. These factors act in a positive manner toward the maintenanceof discipline.The Board retains the authority to specify the following dress and grooming guidelines for staff that will prevent such matters fromhaving an adverse impact on the educational process. When assigned to District duty, all administrators shall:A. ( ) be physically clean, neat, and well-groomed;B. ( ) dress in a manner consistent with their professional responsibilities;C. ( ) dress in a manner that communicates to students pride in personal appearance;D. ( ) dress in a manner that does not cause damage to District property;E. ( ) be groomed in such a way that their hairstyle or dress does not disrupt the educational process nor cause a health orsafety hazard.[ ] The Board recognizes administrators’ right to dress in accordance with their gender identity, within the constraints of the preceding dress and grooming guidelines.
TIPS RECEIVED 9/27/22: See images below.
Brunswick HS Social Studies Class - Promoting Che Guevara
Brunswick HS Home Economics Room - LGBTQ Flag
Brunswick HS Room 364 - Mr. Hottensmith: Pansexual Flag
SEL brainwshing for 100 minutes per week in 2nd grade.
Protect Ohio ChildrenAcademic Accountability Project June 2022
This evidence was provided by an anonymous whistle-blower. (04-09-22)
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is in Brunswick City Schools
Download Student and Family Support Specialist document LINK
This information is part of the "Second Step" Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum in Brunswick that teaches about abortion.
Download evidence of LGBTQ paraphernalia atBrunswick High School
Critical Race Theory is in Brunswick City Schools.
Quote from administration:
“Last year, our entire staff was trained (via a grant from Kent University) in Youth Mental Health First Aid. All of these training and activities have been designed to support and empower the diversity within our school by creating a culture where all are welcome and all feel safe.” Brunswick City Schools has formed a "diversity team."
From a tip:
1. Video "Rethink LabelsThe kids were required to watch a video from The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio It highlights a student who is "pansexual." Also, words like "nigger," "faggot," and "bitch" are presented in the video. The parent I spoke to about this was very upset about this video.
2. I think it's important that we highlight on the map that Brunswick is using materials from the Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio and also show their page on "School & Youth Programming," which has stated goals to empower our children to become ALLIES, ADVOCATES, and AGENTS OF CHANGE.
#RethinkLabels - YouTube
School & Youth - The Diversity Center (
2. I think it's important that we highlight on the map that Brunswick is using materials from the Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio and also show their page on "School & Youth Programming," which has stated goals to empower our children to become ALLIES, ADVOCATES, and AGENTS OF CHANGE.
#RethinkLabels - YouTube
School & Youth - The Diversity Center (
August 16, 2021 Dear BHS Artists & families, Welcome! I hope that you have enjoyed your summer break. I’m Mrs. Doyle and I will be your Drawing & Painting teacher this semester. I am so excited to have you in my class! I know that the last couple years have been a wild new learning process and I am so looking forward to being back in the classroom together this year! I commend you all on your flexibility, adaptability, and understanding and I want you to know that I have been so impressed by what you all have accomplished throughout such a difficult year and a half! A little about me: this is my 10th year teaching. I have been at BHS for four years and I taught at Huntington for three years before that. I completed my undergrad at Cleveland State University and my Master’s at Kent. I focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for my grad work at Kent and I can’t wait to introduce you to some diverse new artists throughout the year while we work on our projects! My husband and I met in an art class at CSU. We have three children and a cat named Kingsley. I love printmaking and welding sculptures made from metal and I just recently took a photography class. I can’t wait to get to know all of you and to see what you create this semester. I hope you will be an active participant in our class and not be afraid to explore your ideas and try new things. This is going to be an amazing year and I am glad that you will be here to embark on this journey with me - see you soon! (Feel free to join our Google Classroom using this code - majrlge) Mrs. Doyle

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Please note the "We The People" poster with rainbow flag and the bulletin board background that is solid Democrat logos ("Democrat" and the donkey) below.
This teacher, Kevin Dickson, also has this as his Facebook page.
This teacher, Kevin Dickson, also has this as his Facebook page.